The home of the future is here, now!

Laneway Housing

Passive House Laneway Housing – University of Toronto, Toronto

Design of three infill houses to Passive House level of construction, incorporating a shared earth tube under an adjacent daycare playground. The homes will include one 2500 sf single-family dwelling plus two laneway homes behind. The first laneway home is to have a target area of 900 sq.ft. The second laneway home will be 1100 sq.ft

The homes, to be used for student and professor housing, will act as a prototype for future laneway housing on campus. With the installation of photovoltaics, the project is aiming for net-zero energy.  As discussed in this video of the installation this Guelph Solar installation is actually net-positive

Guelph Solar, UofT Laneway Homes (Nov 14 2020) from Mark Hamilton on Vimeo.

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