March 24, 2018
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Evan Roberts reports that a current proposal addresses concerns of shadowing, privacy and environmental impact "It may seem as though Toronto is running out of space, as the population grows and grows. But there’s a [...]
January 10, 2018
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From January 2017 issue of"We often look to the younger generation to be ahead of the curve, setting trends and embracing innovation. So why are two of the GTA’s earliest adopters of passive-house methodology [...]
6-plex live/work Passive House housing project, Guelph, Ontario This project embodies sustainable lifestyle, in the form of live-work units (no commuting), healthy building (zero VOC, minimized EMF) and maximum use of locally sourced materials. Working [...]
Design of three infill houses to Passive House level of construction, incorporating a shared earth tube under an adjacent daycare playground. The homes will include one 2500 sf single-family dwelling plus two laneway homes behind. [...]
For this private build, Local Impact Design provided design (including floorplan, elevations and 3-D renderings/walk-through), Passive House guidance, and mechanical design/specification, including Ventilation system sizing/spec Domestic hot water (DHW) system Heating system Passive House energy modelling [...]