The slab was poured in early August and the first floor BuildSMART panels and floor joists were installed a week later. The first floor panels were installed in 8 hours by a builder unfamiliar with the BuildSMART system. 2nd floor was erected in 6 hours with a crane. Following a wait for roof trusses, the house achieved was sealed to lock up October 26th.

Grading for slab-on-grade
Forming and sub-slab insulation made from recycled cutout panels from insulated doors. (supplier: Instapanel)

6.5″ monolithic slab

Slab pour completed

Day 1 – Erection of Build SMART panels (without crane) By Graham and Lorne of Above Board Carpentry
Day 2 – Erection of Build SMART panels (with crane)

2ft wall section
Interior walls going up

Only 8 hrs to erect first floor…all in a day’s work

Floor trusses and sheathing waiting for 2nd floor panels

2nd floor going in…

2nd floor completed in a single day with three crew and a crane

3rd floor clerestory with garage in foreground
Parallel chord roof trusses installed with SIGA Majvest exterior air and weather resistive barrier (looking towards 2nd Floor clerestory)

looking south – Klearwall Passive House certified triple-glazed windows pre-installed in Build SMART wall panels

House walls and roof complete. The front vestibule is an unheated space, garage shown on right.
Internal roof air barrier remaining, then blower door testing!