From January 2017 issue of"We often look to the younger generation to be ahead of the curve, setting trends and embracing innovation. So why are two of the GTA’s earliest adopters of passive-house methodology [...]
The slab was poured in early August and the first floor BuildSMART panels and floor joists were installed a week later. The first floor panels were installed in 8 hours by a builder unfamiliar with [...]
Writer Bruce Nagy opens the September 2017 issue of Plumbing + HVAC magazine with a cover shot from the Fernwood build and an article on Low Energy Homes. The lead profile includes an interview with [...]
This series of timelapse videos documents Above Board Carpentry as they install the Buildsmart prefabricated wall system on the construction site of Jim & Joan Josephs residence near Minden Ontario.
Concrete under the garage gets poured