The home of the future is here, now!

SILC Co-Housing

Sustainable Intentional Living Community (SILC) Guelph, Ontario  The mission of this 22 unit Passive House Co-Housing project is to create an environmentally, socially and financially sustainable, multi-resident complex within the heart of the city. Local Impact [...]

Six-plex Housing

6-plex live/work Passive House housing project, Guelph, Ontario This project embodies sustainable lifestyle, in the form of live-work units (no commuting), healthy building (zero VOC, minimized EMF) and maximum use of locally sourced materials. Working [...]

Challenge House

 Living Building Challenge House, Guelph, Ontario This cutting-edge three-generation home is being designed and built to align with the stringent "Living Building Challenge (LBC)" rating system. The house uses Passive House design methodologies and is [...]

Laneway Housing

Design of three infill houses to Passive House level of construction, incorporating a shared earth tube under an adjacent daycare playground. The homes will include one 2500 sf single-family dwelling plus two laneway homes behind. [...]

Fernwood House

For this private build, Local Impact Design provided design (including floorplan, elevations and 3-D renderings/walk-through), Passive House guidance, and mechanical design/specification, including Ventilation system sizing/spec Domestic hot water (DHW) system Heating system Passive House energy modelling [...]